Stand Atlantic: Pink Elephant (2020)

Stand Atlantic – Pink Elephant (Album Review) – Wall Of Sound

There is a line when it comes to pop-punk in which the pop elements can take too much of a hold and hurt the music. This album really dances around that line but, the fun nature and personality of this album keeps it from crossing it. The first two tracks on the album jolt the album right to life with their high energy and emotional touch. The album tones down just briefly with Blurry before charging into the hit single Jurassic Park which, I think is decent but, doesn’t top the albums first two tracks. The rest of the album is enjoyable enough to keep your ear but nothing seems to recapture the appeal and zest of those first few tracks. This album sort of dances along and has a decent closer that seems really fitting for the album but, just doesn’t land as the exclamation point it may have been intended to be. This album is fun enough for a listen once in a while but doesn’t have the complete appeal of something that will keep it on repeat. There are a few tracks that I know I will revisit from time to time but, as a whole, this album isn’t any sort of landmark.

Key Tracks: Like That, Shh!, Jurassic Park, Hate Me (Sometimes)

Score: 4 stars

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