Silversun Pickups: Swoon


Swoon is the second album released by Silversun Pickups and it was my introduction to this band. The smooth vocals and overall style of this album is like a middle-ground between Coheed and Cambria and The Smashing Pumpkins. This album really stands out in the spectrum of rock albums from the year it was released as well as the surrounding ones. This album isn’t really following trends of the time but actually blazes it’s own trail. I remember being pulled in by the single, Panic Switch. It demonstrated the bands ability to engulf listeners into the experience of their songs. The instrumentals really create a certain atmosphere that compliment the lyrical content. I was surprised to find that it wasn’t the only song on the album to do such a good job of this. This album definitely caught my attention and made me curious about this band. It is still a pretty enjoyable listen after almost a decade!

1. There’s No Secrets This Year   4 stars
2. The Royal We  4.5 stars
3. Growing Old Is Getting Old   3.5 stars
4. It’s Nice To Know You Work Alone  
4 stars
5. Panic Switch  
5 stars
6. Draining   4 stars
7. Sort of  
4 stars
8. Substitution  
4.5 stars
9. Catch and Release  
4 stars
10. Surround (Or Spiraling)  
3.5 stars

Score: 4 stars

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